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Non-Ordinary Experiences?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by davynn, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. davynn

    davynn Getting Tilted

    East coast U.S.A.
    That's interesting. I have a friend who works in data processing, her work place always makes me feel anxious and jittery ... but at least I know the probable reason. Knowing the possible cause(s) that can produce certain effects or experiences means that you can take precautions to account for them. That's easily done and it strengthens the overall veracity of the search for truth.
  2. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    Yup, that's the infrasound I was talking about
  3. davynn

    davynn Getting Tilted

    East coast U.S.A.
    Whether you call them non-ordinary, anomalous, spiritual, etc. ... experiences that transcend material reality are pervasive. Even scientists ... professionals who are trained to accept the current materialistic paradigm without question ... have transcendent experiences and are changed by them.
  4. ngdawg

    ngdawg Getting Tilted

    1) My paternal grandmother died April, 1970. That October, my parents bought a brand new VW minivan. Grandma wore a specific cologne (I believe it was called Woodhue), one of those that works directly with your own Ph. A couple of years after her death, my mom and sister climbed into the van and both stopped in their tracks-the scent of Grandma overwhelmed the car.
    2) I bought my own new car in 1973 and owned it over 11 years. In 1980, about 6 months after I got married, I got into my car and, again, Grandma's scent overwhelmed it. No one ever sensed Grandma again and we came to the conclusion that she was just making sure we were all ok. Once she was convinced, she rested for good.
    3) We bought a house in 1985 that was built in 1915. One of the sets of owners was Mr. and Mrs. Grinley. There is a walk-in pantry that I added grid shelves to and, upon hearing a crash one night, went to the pantry to see a spaghetti box flung across it. There was no way it could have merely fallen that far from its shelf. From that point on, every time we heard a noise, a door slam or something odd, I would just shout, "Knock if off, Grinley!". The downstairs bedroom would once in a while "fart" this perfumy scent that I can only describe as "Old Lady Perfume". Eventually we found out that that room was Mrs. Grinley's and she died in it.
    4) In a mind game of sorts, a friend and I, in discussing sensitivity to energy, decided to see if we could read each other's minds from 500 miles apart. I couldn't but the vision that I was using was completely and correctly described by my friend. It had nothing to do with anything about me or my life, it was a random visual.
    5) I had tried for 10 years to get pregnant. My maternal grandmother once asked my mom why I looked so sad and mom told her of my struggles. My grandmother's birthday was always celebrated around the 16-18 of March because she had no birth certificate. She died March 5, 1991. On June 23, 1991, I had a surgical procedure to conceive and found out a month later I was expecting twins. Their due date: March 16, 1992. Grandma was both the sister and the mother of twins. My mom was pretty convinced that what she couldn't help with in life, Grandma manipulated after death. And just to be sure she made her mark, my daughter is the spitting image of her.
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  5. streak_56

    streak_56 I'm doing something, going somewhere...

    C eh N eh D eh....
    My exes mother was very much into the super natural and she pretty much changed my opinion. I've seen things that have baffled my often skeptical mind. I think there is a lot of "energy" left over from people and these experiences are that left over energy. It may be visual, heard or smelled... I don't have anything specific right now that would be better than the OP but never the less, I was a skeptic turned believer...
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  6. Let me introduce you to Helen Duncan
    Spell broken for 20th century witch
    The last woman jailed in Britain for witchcraft may receive a posthumous pardon from the Home Secretary.
    Helen Duncan was convicted at the Old Bailey in 1944 under the 1735 Witchcraft Act. During the trial it was alleged that she had pretended to raise the spirits of the dead.
    Her supporters, who include the Conservative MP for Devizes Michael Ancram, have been campaigning for 50 years to clear her name.
    Mrs Duncan was jailed for nine months after the court was told that she claimed to have conjured up a dead sailor at a seance in Portsmouth.
    According to Mrs Duncan, the head band on the dead sailors hat identified him as working on a ship called the HMS Barham.
    This information led to her downfall. No one outside of military intelligence was supposed to know that the HMS Barham had been sunk by the Germans. Its loss was still a military secret.
    The authorities decided to prosecute for witchcraft because they were very worried that Mrs Duncan might also be able to reveal details of the D-Day landing plans.
    But the case, which appeared to belong more to the 16th century than the 20th century, was said to have annoyed the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill. It helped to cause of the repeal of the Witchcraft Act in 1951.
    After her release from prison Mrs Duncan returned to spiritualism and held many meetings around the country. She died died at the age of 58 in 1956.
    The Criminal Cases Review Commission has examined the case and rejected a plea to refer it back to the Appeal Court.
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  7. SCBronco

    SCBronco Getting Tilted

    i llike spooky stories... sweet thread...
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    For many years .. since childhood, a certain part of the Royal Botanical gardens at Kew, Surry, England had been my 'place of power'. I had not read Castaneda then, but the sense was real.Late 1970's, there was a massive storm which wrenched trees from the ground. Some of them were the ancient trees in this garden. The ground had been killed, and I felt a part of me had died with it.

    Last week, I was taken out of my house for a walk, and we got to Syon House ... facing Kew Gardens, but on the other side of the river. This has another ancient park ... the grounds of the House. As we walked through it, approaching the conservatory, I had all those 'past life' vibes, and thought to myself 'oh shit, I'm doing the "past life" vibe thing ... deja vuing." I stripped from my being as much of the hallucination and imagination as I could, yet remained with a bedrock, core knowing that I had returned to the 'Kansas' of my childhood - the power was of the same wavelength, but massively more intense and associated with detail. Some detail, as I've intimated, comes from learnt sources - socialized explanations to make the unknown known. Remove that, though, and I was left with an unshakable foundation of knowing - "This place is my home - an outer equivalent of my secret name"

    I am constrained, through conscience, to refrain from judgments or further speculation. All I know is that I am changed - in some way, returned.
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  9. davynn

    davynn Getting Tilted

    East coast U.S.A.
    Thanks Zen, I love your descriptive writing. Having an analytical mind is to your benefit ... it also makes your experience all the more worthwhile for everyone. To be left with an "unshakable foundation of knowing" after the chaff of "socialized explanations" has been wafted away ... I do understand.
  10. warrrreagl

    warrrreagl Slightly Tilted

    Land of cotton.
    After living isolated on a farm for two years, here are a few things I have learned.

    1) Several cows lowing together off in the distance sound like ordinary cows. However, one sad and lonely cow lowing all by herself sounds exactly like the smoke monster in LOST.

    2) Pine beetles sound exactly like someone walking up on you in the woods. The pine beetle infests sick and dying pine trees, and he speeds up the decomposition process. While burrowed inside the tree, he snacks and munches, and the sound of his chewing is a rhythmic combination click/crunch sound. Therefore, if it's dark, and you're in the woods, and there's a dead pine log lying on the ground anywhere near you, you will SWEAR that someone is walking straight up to you, even though you can't see anyone.

    3) Since we live on top of the high ground, any sound created around us at a lower elevation is magically piped straight up the hill to our house. Therefore, when the people who live in a trailer almost a mile away start arguing with each other out in their yard, it sounds EXACTLY like someone is calmly talking to us from the woods next to our house.

    4) We installed a driveway alarm about 200 yards from the house, which sits almost a mile inside a locked gate. The only way to drive to the house is to drive past that alarm, which is triggered whenever something large and metallic breaks its magnetic field. The desktop receiver in the house gives out three short beeps and one long one, which sounds exactly like Beethoven's 5th. When we hear it, we know that someone is driving up to the house. Except when it goes off for no fecking reason at 2AM!

    5) Rabbits talk to each other in little chittery voices. The net result is that the two little groves of trees on either side of our house sound like they're inhabited by invisible elves. We can hear them walking, and we can hear them talking, but we just can't see them.

    6) The owl is not the only bird that is awake at night, and ALL of the rest of them have unbelievably awful cries, which can make your hair stand on end at 11PM.

    7) It's never, ever totally dark. Even on nights with no moon, there's still enough ambient light to see things.

    8) Turkeys that fly up into the trees near sundown in order to roost for the night sound exactly like the winged demon-thingy from "Jeepers Creepers."

    9) There are parts of the ground that emit misty fog for no reason I can discover. It looks like little Old Faithfuls scattered around.

    10) Hollywood has no sound effect that can mimic a pack of coyotes at night. Good God.
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  11. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    This happened to me with an old Dodge Caravan Cargo Van with a band logo painted on the side, but it was Curve by Claiborne and it came from a bottle of the stuff in an ashtray I didn't previously realize was there. Who the hell puts two ashtrays in a cargo van?
  12. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    A lot of people are surprised to learn that Owls are not all friendly fluffy looking little fellows that go "Hoot". Most of them in fact sound more or less like the Ring Wraiths.

    In a similar vein... Things I Have Learned Living in the Tropics:

    1. Nature is not a quiet idyllic grove of open, breezy, and shady palm trees. It's a kudzu covered brush filled jungle you need a couple hours with a machete to cut through that can and will overgrow civilization if you give it half a chance.

    2. Nature is also LOUD. That sound is the sound of thousands of animals and insects trying to either attract a mate or drive off competitors... in short everything within earshot is shouting "FUCK ME" or "FUCK OFF" as loud as possible.

    3. Something lives on, around, under, inbetween, or inside of EVERYTHING. Hold still and stare at one spot on the ground sometime, you'll shit bricks when you realise just how many things are moving that you'd never noticed before.
    Qui-Gonn's Corollary: Everything is eaten by something ("There's always a bigger fish").
    Martin Brody's Addendum: You are included in the food chain, and anywhere near water or woodlands you are not nearly as high up on it as you think you are.

    4. There is no such thing as successfully insect-proofing your house. Give up, it's not going to happen, accept that the best you can do is mitigate it.

    5. The cuter and/or prettier it is, the better the odds it's going to hurt you somehow.
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  13. SirLance

    SirLance Death Therapist

    My paternal grandmother called me once when I was at a friends house. She had been terminally ill and the last time I had seen her she was comatose. It didn't occur to me until later to wonder how she knew where I was. She told me that she just wanted me to know that she was alright.

    Then my mom called to let me know that grandma had passed. 30 minutes before she called me... she never came out of the coma.
  14. warrrreagl

    warrrreagl Slightly Tilted

    Land of cotton.
    I forgot about this one - I encountered a haunted dog last year.

    Sometime in November of last year, I noticed a dead dog lying beside the road on a country road during my daily work commute. Usually, whenever I see a dead animal (from tiny squirrels all the way up to giant deer), they are gone by the next day. Their corpses are picked clean by vultures and crows, and there is nothing more than a shadow on the ground where the animal had been. I think the longest I'd ever seen the same dead animal in one spot was 3 days. Until last November.

    This dead dog laid in the same position on his right side all throughout November, December, January, and February. Not one single carrior eater took as much as a bite from this dog's corpse. And the weirdest part is that he did not decay or decompose. Same dog, same position, four freaking months. I mentioned it to Grancey in January, and she suggested that perhaps it was a stuffed dog. Maybe it had been a beloved family pet, and they'd had it stuffed when it died, and had been ultimately tossed out, where it was now lying there beside the road. Her explanation started to make sense, because day after day all the way through February that dog never moved, never decayed, never became consumed.

    However, in March, he suddenly decomposed practically overnight. I noticed a VERY strong smell as I approached his resting place, and I saw that his corpse was collapsing and there were several holes in his hide. When I passed back again after work that afternoon, he had rapidly collapsed even more. The next morning, there was nothing there except a few tufts of hair and a skeleton.

    It was not a stuffed dog, because stuffed animals don't have skeletons, and they don't rot and stink. It was a real by God dead dog, that for some enchanted reason, did not decompose for four solid months, and was not consumed by any carrion birds or insects.
  15. One of my uncles had a dream. He was standing at the bottom of his garden, looking at his own grave and gravestone. Spooked him. He told the chaps at work that if he wasnt in on a certain day - the one on the stone - it would be because he was dead. That was the day his brother died.

    (I do think uncle Phil has listened in and has had cause to smile.)
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2012