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The Christmas Season: What's the Deal?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Baraka_Guru, Nov 4, 2012.

  1. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    The Christmas season: When does it begin? When does it end?

    What are the parameters? What is going too far?

    What do you think about its commercialization?

    What do you think about the appropriation of pagan elements?

    What do you think about Christmas music?

    Discuss all things Christmastime here. This is not necessarily a discussion of Christmas itself, but merely the activities surrounding this time of year.

    [Editor's note: This is a discussion that erupted in Pointless Announcements recently.]

    * * * * *

    I don't know why, but I'm annoyed by the false sense of decorum that people have regarding putting up Christmas decorations before November 11 (Remembrance Day). Don't put up decorations before November 11th, they say. Respect the veterans, they say.

    Christmas decorations are an insult to veterans? Really?

    I don't get it. When did this become a thing? Why did this become a thing?
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2012
  2. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    The bigger question is:

    Who the hell puts up Christmas decorations in early November?
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  3. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I think that's beside the point. Personally I don't care about all that. I know that Christmas is totally overblown. I'm not even a Christian.

    My point is that I don't understand why Christmas decorations are such an affront to Remembrance Day. You can't observe Remembrance Day with Christmas decorations around?


    If you want my opinion, however, I think Christmas decorations should be reserved for the week of Christmas and maybe until the New Year.

    That's beginning around the time of the Winter Solstice as it is, which is what Christians appropriated in the first place anyway. Jesus was born in the spring.
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  4. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    i think i heard an xmas carol recently.
    it made me a little ill.
  5. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I get the same response with the exception of a handful of the oldest music. These are traditional pieces with a traditional arrangements, though I will admit that "What Child Is This?" will always be "Greensleeves" (and, in a way, this latter bit is symbolic of my view of Christmas in general).

    I think that contemporary Christmas music is a plague that can no longer be contained. On the topic of "Christmas creep," it's the music that acts as a kind of siren, a warning of the death of taste for an entire season.

    Maybe all of this is worthy of a whole thread...
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2012
  6. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    The Christmas decorations on Orchard Road in Singapore went up before Halloween. The Starbucks here are all decked out and serving Holiday beverages.

    Our rule of thumb is, nothing before December 1.
    --- merged: Nov 4, 2012 at 10:07 AM ---
    Currently in a hotel room in Manila... there is a lot of God on the TeeVee here.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2012
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  7. At the grocery Friday night (a big night out for me) Christmas candy was on display next to Halloween candy on sale to clear it out. Made me chuckle.
  8. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    Bro, every semi-intelligent person knows that Christmas isn't really when Jesus was born. That news is so 90s.

    But consider the alternative. No German christmas markets. :eek:


    When Remixer was a little shit, no christmas markets would've made him a sad little shit.

    As it is now, Remixer isn't sad.
  9. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I don't decorate for Christmas until after Thanksgiving is over. My husband is most insistent that we wait until after Dec. 1st. I have no problem with this as I leave the tree up for all twelve days of Christmas and take it down after Three Kings Day.

    Obviously, you Canadians have your Thanksgiving early, so that makes it a bit trickier.

    Personally, I enjoy Christmas. I may not actually enjoy a given family gathering, depending on the year (oh, drama) but I generally enjoy the season. I like selecting my tree from the local Boy Scout lot (it's my husband's old troop). I like trimming my tree. I love baking all of the cookies and making candy. I get to make stuff at Christmas (like this year's project, a croquemboche:
    Salty Caramel Croquembouche with Ricotta Cream - Fine Cooking Recipes, Techniques and Tips
    ) that I don't make or can't make at any other time of year because it would be excessive. Last year I made a really fabulous trifle, and the year before I made a yule log. I also love the music. My husband puts up with a lot of it, especially if he gets a steady diet of Christmas cookies.
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  10. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    I love the Christmas season. It does start too early these days, though, but hey - we know what that's all about. And it's got nothing to do with baby supermen. More season = more money. When I was kid, you always knew the Christmas season was starting on T-giving day when the Norelco Santa commercial came on:

    View: http://youtu.be/718DpmQrPbg

    And I love Christmas music and I have a huuuge collection of it. My preference is 1940's-50's stuff.
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  11. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    I dont decorate until after thanksgiving. Normally the weekend after.
    When i was a kid i remember you never herd of Christmas til Thanksgiving.
  12. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    my (brief and rather dismal) career as a santa claus at marshall fields in chicago did a job on what patience i had with xmas as a commercial phenomenon.

    but i don't mind the holiday itself.
    i don't decorate for it.
    i go places that are decorated and look at things.
    hello things, i say.
    hello, they say back.

    lately i have gone to my brother's house. the music they play makes me think about lining tacks up on a table and driving my forehead into them.

    but they usually have an immense tree.
    i look at the immense tree.
    hello tree, i say.
    the tree is usually silent.
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  13. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Baraka_Guru: Who says, 'Christmas decorations are such an affront to Remembrance Day.'? Is the media seeking out grumpy people with nothing else to grump about?

    On another note entirely, my favourite thing about Christmas was the Santa Claus parade in Toronto which didn't even take place at Christmas. My dad would hoist me up on his shoulders so I could see through the throngs of parade enthusiasts. Odd timing has been so for awhile.

    I'm burned out on Christmas and for the first time we are skipping it entirely this year. The work involved to create the illusion of cheeriness just isn't worth the time & expense. Instead, we are putting all that we would have spent on Christmas towards an even more horrific endeavor in some folks' opinion--Disneyland / a week in So. California.

    I'm embarrassed to say that I actually like modern ditties like "Jingle Bell Rock" (I like Burl Ives' voice) and "Winter Wonderland," probably due to being a kid in the '60's. Love the old stuff too, but all of it only during maybe the 10 days running up to Christmas.

    What do I think of the commercialization of Christmas? Like you, I'm not Christian, so the whole mixing of JC with paganism doesn't phase me.

    Bottom line is, it's all about selling stuff. The label 'Christmas' is thrown on to sell more stuff and that I suppose, if I were Christian would be annoying or even upsetting.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2012
  14. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Oh, I'm not sure the media is involved with this. It's one of those "public service announcement" type things people post on their Facebook. I think this is the third year in a row I've seen this, and it seems to be picking up steam. And people will accept it and agree with it knowingly, and will solemnly state how important it is to respect the veterans. Oh how insulting Christmas decorations must be to the veterans. They're practically pornographic.

    What are Christmas decorations, after all, except an excessively large Jesus money shot?
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2012
  15. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    That's just strange. But then, people are indeed strange.
  16. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    For us it was the arrival of the Sears Wishbook.
    I could spend hours poring over that thing as a kid.
    I'm pretty sure it arrived around Thanksgiving, not much before.
    And my favorite Christmas song is The Waitresses Christmas Wrapping.
    --- merged: Nov 4, 2012 at 6:10 PM ---
    For us it was the arrival of the Sears Wishbook.
    I could spend hours poring over that thing as a kid.
    I'm pretty sure it arrived around Thanksgiving, not much before.
    And my favorite Christmas song is The Waitresses Christmas Wrapping.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2012
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  17. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    Yes, we used to get that, too! And my sister and I would pore through it writing down names and page numbers of presents that we rarely got.
    I suppose it was presumptuous.
    Still, it was fun.
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  18. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    Christmas ... yes, I love it. For me it begins around the beginning of December. My choir has its Christmas Dinner on the 12th Dec, and I'm going to a Christmas Ball on the 8th ... last year's Christmas ball was one of the happiest and saddest of occasions ... I was so happy to have been invited - it was a full tux affair, but I looked like shit, I was going kind of insane in my head, because I was dancing very well but could only dance one out of four because I had zero stamina - I was a phat phuk, a blimp in a tent, and that loss of dignity was one of the first major triggers that led to my slimming and exercising. I HAD to reshape and mighod, this year I'm Ready to Rawk. I won't ask Gillian for a dance this year either, 'cos I'm shy, but this year, at least I'll be fairly confident that she might have liked to have danced with me. And 2013 I'll be able to be happily nostalgic about what didn't happen but which was no longer unrealistic dream which, if fulfilled, could have been no more than a sympathy dance on account of her being a very nice person. Wha ...? er ... Hang on, where was I ...

    Yes, I like the appropriation of pagan elements, though I'd like them to be given more official credit and respect. Like these days, in England, or at least in my part of it, we do Guy Fawkes Day, complete with fireworks, but are totally celebrating or giving cheery salutes to the simultaneous Indian festival of Divali. I suppose it's the appreciation rather than just the appropriation that I would really like.

    I love Christmas music ... by which I mean Christmas carols written by dead people, especially those that have slightly jagged medieval harmonies. For Twelve years, the Anglican 'Nine Lessons And Carols' service has been something I and my choir have rehearsed up until we kick angels' asses. I hate Christmas music ... by which I mean sugar-coated elevator music. Hate, because it gives a bad name to a lot of perfectly good stuff that was created in the 20th century. I'm irritated by Christmas music ... by which I mean some of the pop stuff that came out of culprits like Sir Paul McC and Keith Emerson, the one persuading me to wear a negative IQ dribble face as I bought pickles I didn't really want, and the other making me feel guilty for being alive in the first place.

    I wouldn't put decorations up before Remembrance - it would not alter my respect, my genuinely high respect for individuals who risked and lost their lives for causes that I may or may not support or despise, but, to use a 'mealtime' analogy, I do not want to start the entree of the next meal before I have finished the dessert of the present one.

    I put my decorations up probably a week before Christmas - typically my PC's 'Christmas Lights' program. It is an appropriation of Atari 1040STE elements :p I also have a few candles going and my burner stinks the place out with essential oils of Frankincence and Myrrh (panicky spellcheck right now! ... er ... yes, I got both of the wrong). And I define Christmas as ended around ... let's look at the calendar ... this time it'll be Monday 7th of January. Then I'll feel that Christmas is over and that it is just Winter.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2012
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  19. Freetofly

    Freetofly Diving deep into the abyss

    Decorations don't go up until after winter solstice. I find it differcult to feel the season of Christmas without the music and decorations.
    I remember the Sears Wishbook. :)
  20. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    the xmas season here is ushered in with the essex gentlemen's lunch.
    nothing says xmas quite the way drinking scotch at noon and watching to see which of the flannel-clad gentlemen will end up on all fours barking like a dog.
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