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Judge Dredd 3D

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by Zen, Sep 13, 2012.

  1. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted


    I saw it today
    Was blown away

    Admittedly, I followed Dredd's adventures in the comic AD2000 for about 12 years, so I was steeped in the lore - I'd 'get into it' very quickly. Conversely, I'd be like a hawk .... ready to notice when they 'got it wrong'.

    I can be rather critical.

    Well - Pressgang me on to the Good Ship Cheese-Grater and Keelhaul me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    NOTHING was wrong ...... and
    EVERYTHING was right!
    (given a 5% margin of error, or something)

    Judge Anderson did not have the kind of glamour depicted in the later comics, but she was ture to typs as depicted by the earlier comics.
    Judge Mcgruder WAS judge Mcgruder - apart from lack of a Pony-tail.

    Dredd WAS Dredd ......... I tell you, the actor playing him went TOTALLY Method. Sunk HIMSELF entirely into the Character of Dredd. He became a 3D version of the comic book character.

    The Productions values supported that by giving him a living breathing world of which the comic was a more starkly graphic version. Choice of NPCs was bloody awesome - casting director had obviously looked hard at the comics and found people with suitably grotesque yet well defined countenances and demeanours.

    The Baddie ..... I'll just say ... you remember the Joker in the dark Knight film? The Joker there was brooding BEHIND the external character-behaviours ... didn't have to be doing or saying anything to exude ... a cavern of bad energy. Well, feckit ... the baddie in this one could have been his sister ... she had it all. And didn't need any clever lines in order to do it.

    Hahhhhhhhhh talking of clever lines .....

    There were NONE. Well ... only one. But I was not insulted by cheap tag-line manipulation of my feelings. They were just saying stuff that needed to be said as the story line drove on. KUDOS.

    I Truly recommend this fillum.

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  2. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member


    View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqqgrUna28w

    This is really odd for me.

    I got a bad vibe off the trailer, and that usually means the movie is bad. However, some reviews listed on Metacritic are calling it decent enough.

    It doesn't open in North America until the 21st, but I think I'll check it out when it does. I generally like dystopian settings, and Karl Urban is usually entertaining. I want to like this.

    Also Lena Headey is hot.

    Zen, if you liked it that much, then perhaps I will too. I'm actually not all that difficult to please. :)
  3. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    No familiarity with the source material at all, my only exposure to this story was the abysmal film back in 93? or so that I saw in the theater when it first came out.
    I mainly remember now that it was awful to bad at best. The opposite end of the spectrum with Demolition Man in my opinion; loved that one and have that in my collection.
    Might give it a try one of these years again and see if it is bad as my memory says or time has altered that. This new one is not likely to break my streak of not stepping inside a movie theatre. It has been a year at least and nothing so far has grabbed my interest enough.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Friends saw this at the Toronto Film Festival and had very good things to say about it. And I like Karl Urban.

    Chances are pretty good that this is a good film.
  5. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    The other thing to realize about this is that it's a British film, so we can expect something a bit outside of what Hollywood churns out.

    The guy who wrote the screenplay, Alex Garland, also wrote 28 Days Later (an original screenplay) and the novel The Beach.
  6. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    Hi, Speed

    yes ... I was TOTALLY upset by that film. Back then, I was in the middle of being a Loyal Fan of AD2000 comic, and 'we, the fans' had been chomping at the bit for months, as soon as we heard that a film would be done.

    And Dadgummit .... imo, it COULD have been good. It could've. First few minutes ... depiction of mayhem. Tick. Arrival of Dredd on Feckoff bike. Tick. NO smile and downturned mouth. Yup. "This block is under arrest". For my taste, Stallone's voice was good. Then POP ......... CRUMPLE ...... totally got lost. "I knew you'd say that"/non-wink-to-camera. etc. Funneeee funneee etc. And Took his Helmet Off. [golem]took his hemlet off? Offffffffff??????????? :eek: [/golem]

    :( I could have cried.
    "Thus are the great laid low and the mighty fallen"
    It was like where King Kong is turned into a circus attraction.

    Thinking about it just now, having read your post, and having had a night to sleep on what I saw yesterday ....
    I'm feeling a Fan-Sob of Vindication and Atonement hovering and oscillating between my chest and throat.
    You know ... that UNblurted sob that it's OK for even the hardassiest of hardasses to have about things of ultimate importance, like Patriotism and Comicbooks, and Really really great beer and whisky. And Steak.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2012
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