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Buying a new (used) car.. Help/Suggestions appreciated

Discussion in 'Tilted Gear' started by Meier_Link, Sep 4, 2012.

  1. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    Now, not being an expert like JD powers, why does this sound like something that is very ... whats the word, unconventional?

    Example, wrapping a cold towel around a baby bottle, scientifically, cools it faster than dipping it in cold water. I find that dipping it in cold water much faster, IMHO.
  2. DAKA


    Amen. A huge portion of what many people consider reliability is actually based on their own driving habits, the way they maintain (or don't maintain) their vehicles mechanically, and even how clean they keep them. Though I'd argue that the cleanliness is usually more a sign of how well they maintain their vehicles, not the cause of problems.

    A huge number of the cars on the road these days are leases, I feel that most of these cars will NOT be properly maintained...seems to me these 'users" know that the car will run fine for 3 years until they turn it in...oil will only be changed maybe once, and since these cars will go to auction the dealers don't care, it will be the "next owners" problem.
    Unless, like BMW maintenance is free, and they will generally give you a loaner, so they make it easy, this is why I BUY a CPO (certified Pre Owned) off lease 3 year old car
    You know that the previous person "may have" at least had it serviced a few times....
    We are looking to sell our 06 BMW X5 and get into an 09, (dealers, that's another whole story, about which I ranted and you may have read)
    For my wife I buy a CPO becauseI i don't want to "hear about problems', for myself I can deal with the s**t.
    Yes, if you are buying a used car I like to buy from someone who has owned the car for a while and I can get a read on them....and see how they live.
  3. Cwtch38

    Cwtch38 Bat Shit Crazy

    I drive a Peugeot 307.
    This is the third Peugeot I have had in a row, apart from my VW 1970 campervan. I loved that bus.
    I walked into the second hand car dealers, pointed at a shiny silver car and said 'I'll have that one and I need it by Friday'
    I have had it four years now and only ever needed to change the tyres and this year the brake pads and discs.
    I was lucky :).
  4. Freetofly

    Freetofly Diving deep into the abyss

    I never have any luck with cars, but I do have my second Honda CRV. Great for snow.
  5. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I've never owned a car, but I get the impression that it requires taking on what essentially amounts to a hobby (and the associated drain on time and money), right from the moment you decide to buy one. That said, I'm guessing much of this has gotten easier with the advent of the Internet, and this thread is just one of many resources.

    If I ever get into a position where buying a car is feasible, I'm totally hitting you guys up.
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  6. DAKA


    PRAY that you never want/need a car. If I lived in a city...and wasn't a car nut (don't ask) I would NEVER OWN one.
    If the need arises RENT, you get a brand new no hassle vehicle...and if you shop prices you'd find that the few (hopefully) times you need transportation a rental is thousands of times less agro....
  7. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Ah yes. Of course!

    By feasible, I mean more along the lines of "I need a car," rather than simply want one.
  8. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    Zip car is pretty awesome for having a car when you need one without having to pay for one when you don't.