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Star Trek Celebrates 46 Years!

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by genuinemommy, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    September 8, 1966 was a special day. Prime-time that evening brought science fiction into American homes in a new and exciting way. Each week Gene Roddenberry showed the world his optimistic view of humanity's future through the lens of Captain Kirk, Spock, Uhura, McCoy, and others as we followed the adventures of the USS Enterprise.


    Gene showed us a world where Earth was free of war, poverty was eradicated, and racism was a thing of the past. We learned about prejudice, acceptance, beauty, character, and logic as we saw the crew's interactions with alien races and fascinating new worlds. In the context of science fiction, we were able to see a world where humanity stood united beside strange and exotic aliens, where we embraced our similarities and overlook our differences. At the height of the cold war, this show illustrated an American-born Captain leading a crew that included a British doctor, Swahili communications officer, Scottish engineer, Japanese helmsman, and a young Russian security officer. It was through this series that America saw their first inter-racial kiss on television - and that seemed tame compared with the inter-species kissing in which Kirk often engaged. Even though the original series was admittedly sexist, it was impressive for the time that they had high-ranking women officers serving alongside the men on the Bridge, and that women were often depicted as equally intelligent, scientifically-minded, and adventurous as their male counterparts.

    No one expected Star Trek to be successful. Even the actors thought it was a low-budget joke. But succeed it did, and this weekend Trekkies across the globe are celebrating. Google has produced a few doodles for the occasion.
    [​IMG]Google doodles 'Star Trek: The Original Series' - Tech News - IBNLive

    Who is your favorite character in Star Trek?
    Do you have a favorite episode?
    Is there an episode that shaped or otherwise changed your life, or your perspective on reality?
    TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise -- What is your favorite iteration of the Star Trek franchise?
    Who is your favorite character in Star Trek?
    Uhura. I love linguists. Especially in the more recent Star Trek movie, that woman is incredible.

    Do you have a favorite episode?
    I'd like to say yes. But it's a really difficult choice. I have several favorites. Of the movies, I love IV: The Voyage Home. So much priceless humor - and they saved the wales!

    Is there an episode that shaped or otherwise changed your life, or your perspective on reality?
    Honestly, yes. But it was from Star Trek: The Next Generation. I was very impressed with the episodes involving The Traveler. The thought that there could be someone who understood the universe so completely, and still want to interact with and observe humanity was fascinating to me. I kept hoping that he would appear in the other series, or that Wesley would appear as a traveler at some point, but alas, it never happened. I'm still holding out hope that they will choose to bring The Traveler back in some capacity.

    TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise -- What is your favorite iteration of the Star Trek franchise?
    I'm a geek. I grew up with TNG, that bridge will always feel like "home" to me. But I had so much fun with the last couple of seasons of DS9, the gutsy adventures of Captain Janeway in Voyager, and I love the (often apocryphal) back-story provided in Enterprise. I don't have a favorite. Though I do believe that the series that I have seen the fewest number of times is TOS. It was my father's favorite when I was little, and all of the episodes appear familiar as I see them, but I don't have anywhere near the same memory of them as I do the rest of the saga.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2012
  2. AlterMoose

    AlterMoose Slightly Tilted

    If you're down with the linguistics, I'd think NX-01's Hoshi would be your girl.

    Awesome thread, and I can't wait to compose my answer!
  3. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    I have probably seen every episode of TNG, and it is the best IMO. Voyager is a close second. Yes, it has shaped my worldview and political theories. The Enterprise/Federation was a pretty perfect model for government (and business or lack thereof). And it was ideal that computers would do a lot, even more than could be imagined back in the 1990's, yet multiple items from the Star Trek series have become reality.

    As for my favorite episode, I would have to say the ones with the Borg and Q are the most interesting.
  4. AlterMoose

    AlterMoose Slightly Tilted

    I've been a fan literally my entire life. Mom enjoys telling me that as a baby, I would not go to sleep until 11:00. I'd curl up with her in the rocking chair, take my night-time bottle, and watch some Star Trek reruns. In fact, she credits me with her getting into it, since she never actually watched until 1978. 10 years later, the whole family gathered round the idiot box to watch the pinnacle of awesomeness that was Next Generation. I loved the idea of finally having a female captain, although I haven't seen Voyager in its entirety. Next Gen will always have its place in my heart--I did so much growing up during its run. But DS9 is probably my favourite. I think some of the best battles were depicted during that series, and they made better use of long story arcs. But primarily, I love the deep spirituality of the Bajorans; I did a lot of spiritual maturing during that time. I don't go around praising the Prophets, but I can appreciate some of their beliefs as compared to my own. To that end, Ben Sisko (probably misspelled it) is one of my favourite characters. As the Emissary of the Prophets, almost everything he did resonated with meaning both in this world and the world of the Prophets, in accordance with their prophecies.

    Also, the JJ Abrams movie from a couple years back was the first Star Trek iteration I had seen since having kids, so the opening sequence (I won't spoil for anyone who hasn't seen it)....well, I'm man enough to admit that it made me cry.

    I'll likely have more to ramble about later....
  5. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    I love the original classic.
    TNG is second favorite.
    When my wife and I were dating our "classic" date was going out and doing something active like skiing, coming home to a nice dinner, and then curling up on the couch to watch TNG.

    My favorite episode ever is when Spock commits mutiny to bring Captain Pike to Talos IV.
  6. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    Oh my I have quite a bit to add to this thread. TOS is still my favourite overall but there many moments throughout the years. I am young enough or old enough depending on your point of view to have watched nearly every TNG episode when it first aired. We sat down as a family and watched "Encounter at Farpoint" when it first aired back in 1987, and I remember having to wait the entire summer to see "Best of Both Worlds Pt. 2" .
    Kids these days have a different perspective from my younger years when I watched most of TOS before TNG started and that was all you had for Star Trek.

    My least favourite part of the Star Trek universe is that retina bleeding inducing J.J. Abrams film. I tend to treat that particular parallel universe story the same as Star Wars prequels in the "they don't exist" sense.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2012
  7. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Who is your favorite character in Star Trek?
    As a kid, we used to play Star Trek at the day care I attended. For some reason, I always ended up playing McCoy. That said, my favourite character through all of the series would be Worf, followed by Spock.

    Do you have a favorite episode?
    I can't remember the name of the episode but it would be the one in TOS where the Enterprise landing party trades places with the landing party from an Enterprise from a parallel Universe (Mirror, Mirror?). The bearded Spock was the shit *and* they execute evil Chekov.

    Is there an episode that shaped or otherwise changed your life, or your perspective on reality?
    Way too many to name. The whole series had a massive influence on my childhood and adult life.

    TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise -- What is your favorite iteration of the Star Trek franchise?
    No question that TOS is my favourite but I have also enjoyed TNG and DS9 quite a bit too. Voyager was okay but it never really grabbed me the same way the other series did. And Enterprise, I almost never watched.

    Speed_Gibson, I am not surprised that people dislike the JJ Abrams film but I have to say that I did like it. It wasn't perfect but I thought it was a decent reboot of the franchise. I am more concerned with what they do with it now. Can they live up to the legacy? Time will tell.
  8. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    Had to refresh my memory...
    My favorite episode out of all the series is from TNG entitled "Darmok", where Captain Picard encounters an alien race that speaks in metaphors.
    "Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra."
    It showed me there are other ways to look at the world around us.

    My favorite series is TOS, though, mostly from nostalgia's sake.
    My favorite toys as a young kid was a Star Trek TOS set piece that included Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock and someone else, not sure who.
    I was Kirk, of course.

    My favorite character in the whole Trekverse is Picard. He's just smooth. (mainly because it's Patrick fuckin' Stewart)
    • Like Like x 1
  9. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    Picard may be smooth but Kirk scores heavy with the babes........
  10. AlterMoose

    AlterMoose Slightly Tilted

    I never felt right abou Majel Barret going from first officer under Capt Pike to yeoman under Capt Kirk. I know they weren't the same character, but it still feels like she was demoted.

    Jus seemed like the venue to interject that thought.
    --- merged: Sep 8, 2012 at 9:37 AM ---
    One of my favourite lines out of all the movies was when Kirk and McCoy were incarcerated on Rura Penthe; Kirk hadjust made out with Iman (the Chameloid). Bones threw Kirk a baleful glare and asked him, "what is it with you?" Summed up his entire womanizing reputation for me! :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 15, 2012
  11. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
  12. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    Quoting my own blog entry from May 2009 which discusses the last film right after I watched it - strictly my own opinions of course.
    "In short, this is the worst Star Trek film since Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. It also has the worst villian of any the films, and arguably of any of the television series. If any trace of the Star Trek universe were removed it would be just another standard and rather boring sci-fi action film with dazzling effects, some intense action scenes, and not much else."
    Somewhere else on my blog I gave this film 2 Rotties (my own personal rating method rather than stars) mainly for the solid character portrayals and special effects.
    Anywho, it made some serious money so a decent chunk of people out there must have liked it.

    Speaking of questionable choices, who in the hell thought that using the Enterprise D holodeck from the TNG season 7 episode dealing with the Pegasus would make a satisfying series finale? That had me shaking my head when I finally got to watch it on Netflix.
  13. AlterMoose

    AlterMoose Slightly Tilted

    I can agree with that. The idea of wrapping the series with the foundation of the UFP was a good one, even taking place a few years after the penultimate episode. I even enjoyed the cameos by some old familiar faces. But essntially turning what could have been a great finale into a Next Generation episode was a bit....offensive.
  14. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    True that, but Picard got his fair share of hot women. Not as much as Riker, but still...
  15. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    I had this suspicion that Picard had a thing for Wesley Crusher.......Anyone think there was some potential for buggery there?
  16. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    • Like Like x 2
  17. flat5

    flat5 Vertical

    Amsterdam, NL
    Been going through TOS. Not holding up so well. Esp. the female roles. Production did well with the money they had, I think.
    The minimal sets and their vision of computers , communicators, and female dress are funny.
  18. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Oh yeah. I love "Darmok", but asking me to pick my faves out of Trek is like asking me to pick a favorite kid. It would be damn hard to do. I prefer to pick favorite seasons--the 6th season of TNG was particularly great. "Darmok" is from the 5th season, which is another season where they were really in their stride and everything seemed to be clicking. Picard is still my favorite. Hearing him say the word "libido" is an instant turn-on.

    I grew up watching TNG and TOS with my mom. When DS9 came on, I watched that too, until Voyager came out--then I watched Voyager. Somewhere in my teen years I got too busy to keep up with Trek anymore. I've got a lot of rewatching of old episodes of Voyager that I need to do. My husband knows that when he comes across an episode of TNG on TV, he can just leave it there. Over Labor Day weekend, they had a TNG movie marathon, and so we rewatched Insurrection.

    Growing up, I had a large library of all things Trek-related--the Encyclopedia, episode guides, technical manuals. I even went to a small convention in Portland. My dream would be to go to one of the big cons--a friend just went to one in Vegas and it looked AWESOME.
    • Like Like x 2
  19. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    I will give this upcoming Star Trek sequel every chance to stand or fail on its' own but reading that J.J. Abrams is directing this as well gives me good cause to wait until it hits video. Maybe he can improve things this time, would be damn near impossible to do any worse.
    I liked Enterprise overall, never really watched it until I had netflix and there are still several I have not seen. Whole different thing when you can pick and choose which ones to watch.
  20. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas