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Buying a new (used) car.. Help/Suggestions appreciated

Discussion in 'Tilted Gear' started by Meier_Link, Sep 4, 2012.

  1. Meier_Link

    Meier_Link New Member

    I'm looking to buy a second vehicle - something small and sporty like a Celica or a Golf or Civic - something fun to drive that hopefully will last for a while... Anyone have any suggestions (in the under 5k range)?

    I'm in the process of scouring craigslist trying to find something... I'm under the impress that it's hard to find a good deal at a dealership and that private party is the way to go. Today I almost bought a car until I saw it had a salvage title :/ Whatever I buy I should probably get a carfax. Anyway, if anyone has access to it and could help me out it would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    You have 5k. You can afford a $30.00 monthly subscription to carfax ffs.

    Also, you CAN get a good deal at the dealership. You just need to search. But in the either case, you will need to find something like a precision tune and negotiate a pre-buy price of like maybe $45 or less because you might end up sending them a LOT of cars to look at before you make a purchase. This will come in handy expecially if you'll buy a used car.

    Do NOT buy an American car.
    Do NOT be afraid of losing out on a deal. It's a used car, you'll find another one.
    Do NOT buy a car without having it looked at, you will regret it. There is no car out there in pristine condition being sold for under 5k.

    That is all for now.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2012
  3. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Do NOT buy a Volkswagen.

    *waits for noodle to hiss like an alley cat*

    Meh, you can't really go wrong with a Toyota or Honda.

    Hell, the base Civic has barely changed in the last two decades.

    Whenever I buy used, I replace all the consumable parts / fluids just to be safe.

    Find a car you like and find a forum for it. My lesbian footwear mobile's forum was a lifesaver.

    I was able to fix a ~$300 repair with $40 and about 3 hours of cursing. Way to go, Daring Internet People!
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2012
    • Like Like x 1
  4. pan6467

    pan6467 a triangle in a circular world.

    In May I found my 99 Saab93 for 2,500 give or take.... I had to have a new water pump installed and a new rim and tire put on. Overall, the cost so far has been less than 5,000 and runs great. Never had a better car.

    Just do what I didn't check the rims and water pump. Check all the "little" things.

    I found mine at a small used car lot that doesn't do "buy here, pay here", which are rip offs, as I was told as much when I was looking. When I offered cash but wanted the price dropped, the salesman laughed and stated, "we don't make enough profit that way. We price so you HAVE to finance, that way we can ask for more and make more."

    Also, look in the paper, Craigslist, etc. for local private sales. I sold my 2000 Ford Focus for $800 and it had a few cosmetic problems (driver's window was off its track, antenna was broken and a couple dents (NO rust, brakes had just been replaced, oil was just changed) it was my ex wife's and I got it in the divorce. I truly just wanted to get rid of it, since I had gotten the Saab.

    I wish you the best, not sure if my post helped much, but I wanted to give a 1st hand account that finding a good car under $5,000 is possible.
  5. Meier_Link

    Meier_Link New Member

    Duly noted. My brother-in-law worked as a mechanic for Honda/Volkswagen.. He says the little Golfs and Jettas are reliable cars but stick with the manual transmissions. I'm with you on the Hondas and Toyotas though, they seem to run forever
  6. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    Seconding Plan's statement on Toyota and Honda

    Always been a big fan of black Toyota Supras with the right bodykit. Honda Civic isn't bad, either.
  7. aabbccbbaa2

    aabbccbbaa2 Vertical

    sporty and fun to drive : civic vtec and you're good to go!
  8. Hektore

    Hektore Slightly Tilted

    Pfft, my 87 Grand Marquis went over 300,000 miles and ran like a champ. It spend most of it's life hauling a camper to boot. Truth be told, If my sister hadn't totaled it I'd still be driving it. I loved that car. Roomy, comfortable and so cheap and easy to fix.

    Your local library probably has a consumer reports, which breaks down used cars by price range. It's a good place to start to give you a solid idea of brands/models to avoid. I think finding something in that price range/age without problems is unlikely, so keep repair costs in mind. I'd also be wary of any car that didn't come with a 'runs well, but... ' statement.
  9. there's a reason why toyota corollas and camry's are the most popular cars on the road. reliable, and the parts are cheap. dont go european. you'll be paying out of your ass for spare parts.
    • Like Like x 2
  10. Toyotas are hard to kill

    View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnWKz7Cthkk

    second assasination attempt

    View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTPnIpjodA8&feature=fvwrel

    Third - will it die?

    View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFnVZXQD5_k&feature=fvwrel

    I asked my mechanic who suggested Ford or Vauxhall (not Zafira), and when the scrap man came to get my old car, chatted with him too, as he knows what turns to crap quickest. General opinion seemed to be that cars are built to last for a shorter time than they used to be - same as washing machines etc.
    When I got new car, I took it to mechanic, showed him the MOT test and the advisory notice on it, and he said buy it, bargain at price. Cost me £250 to have body shop sort out the wheel arches so they look like new (fords rust there).
    Fiats the sump plate (?) rusts through rather quickly, and they are quite an expensive operation to repair.
    Wish I still had my 1985 Suzuki Swift convertable. I had her for years, and she was faithfull - parts cost a bit more than Ford. I do miss Baby, and wish I had not traded her in.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2012
  11. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Here's a classic tune to sing to yourself while you're drivin' around town:

  12. Meier_Link

    Meier_Link New Member

    Kills me about that salvage title.. It was an 01 Celica I found with about 125k on the odometer. Seemed to run good and I was ready to make a deal, then dude shows up with a salvage title. :(
  13. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    What was the reason for the salvage. You know, airbags being deployed automatically makes the vehicle a salvage. Maybe it's something you can live with or might have no effect whatsoever.

    Did you take it to have it looked at? Can you have the gentleman discount the price because it's a salvage? You need to ask questions.
  14. DAKA


    As noted salvage title does not mean it is junk...it may be, Unless you have a car knowledgeable friend I'd first look it over really well, sight along the sides to see it is "wavy" looking...(should have good reflections of surfaces) look for paint "over spray" in places under the hood in the trunk and inside the doors that should not have paint on it ..like the rubber gaskets...pull up the oil dipstick and "feel" the oil...should not be gritty, if automatic, smell the oil should not smell burned. Should run up smoothly and "track straight", look under for oil leakage....seats sagged, all dash lights work...ABS, Check engine light (should light up when started then go out) OMG so many things....People laugh at me when I say a car talks to me...but it does......some used cars should come with a big piece of cheese...it's a real RAT...
    Stick with Toyota, Honda, Nissan etc....ask a LOT of questions...I like to buy from a private party who has owned the car a while....look where it has been parked..oil stains?
    CARMAX is definitely a good thing...then have a local shop look at it, it's worth the money he'll charge you...

  15. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    So where do you draw this line in the sand?
    My Subaru was made in the USA, couldn't be more reliable.
    Is it an "American" car?
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Probably talking about General Motors.

    I bought a brand new Chevy pickup in 2004 and learned in 2006 that it had powerplant issues not covered by a recall.

    Loved that truck. Only in America!
  17. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    I mean quite literally anything American. GM, Crystler etc etc etc ....

    I wouldn't purchase a subaru second hand.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2012
  18. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    It's hard to tell.
    Nissan Altima -- designed in California, built in Tennessee is considered Japanese.
    Ford Focus -- designed in Germany, built in Mexico is considered American.

    My 2002 SAAB, that I bought in 2006 for about $7000 has been nearly trouble free. Had to replace the little valve the tells the coolant whether to pass through the heater core or not. Had to have the SID --SAAB Information Display -- that shows you everything from mpg to what station the radio is on-- after so many pixels went dark that you couldn't read it. Cost about $150. I've put almost 100k miles on it driving all across the country. I've replaced tires three times, battery once. Still has original clutch and turbo. Has about 170k now and I wouldn't hesitate to drive it anywhere. Besides, I like quirky. It's distinctive without being pretentious.

  19. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    Listen, people, every time the phrase "Made in America" is read, a Chinese child labor chuckles and says "cool story bro".

    Stick to Hondas & Toyotas.
    • Like Like x 2
  20. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    American cars as the most reliable ones out there.


    Fucking hell, the crap Americans believe.