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Wedding Help

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by RangerJoe, Aug 1, 2011.

  1. RangerJoe

    RangerJoe Slightly Tilted

    First, I was going to post this on the old TFP, but I didn't want my thread to disappear. Then, I was going to post it as a blog, but not only do I need a post count, I would also like a bit of discussion. :)

    I'm getting married in less than two months and I'm having a bit of a problem with my processional music. Here's the setup:

    Wedding is outside in front of an old barn.

    Random music plays while guests are seated

    Song plays for seating of parents/grandparents

    Entrance of guys

    Entrance of ladies, ring bearer, and flower girls

    My entrance, which includes driving a John Deere (ok, it will probably be more of a JD mower so I don't crash) around the barn to the end of the aisle

    Walk down aisle with my stepdad and son.

    I'm not worried about the music until I get to the ladies. How will I work this out? Will they all walk down the aisle to a different song and then I start driving when my song comes on and then keep it playing while I walk down the aisle? Should I drive to the aisle as soon as they start walking and arrive during their song? Do I then continue walking down the aisle to the song or would it sound ok if I changed it?

    And, what exactly will the song be? Obviously, it needs to be a fun song while I'm riding in, but do I want to change to mood when I get there to a slow song or keep it upbeat? Since it's in the country and we're doing a redneck-esque type of entrance, I'm leaning towards a country song or a song with a country remix.

    Okay, give me your suggestions.
  2. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    With that style of wedding you need to fit in "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy", "International Harvester", or "Big Green Tractor" somewhere. :D

    Sounds fun!
  3. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    "International Harvester"! That song is a lot of fun. But I'm not sure that I'd want to walk down the aisle to something like that. Are you trying to make it look like a "normal" wedding until you show up driving a tractor? If that's the case, an extreme shift from a classical piece like "Pachelbel's Cannon" to a raunchy country song might be just what you're looking for. "From My Front Porch Looking In" is a really wonderful song that should go along well with your theme, though that seems more applicable for a slow dance at the reception.

    Who are your favorite artists?
  4. RangerJoe

    RangerJoe Slightly Tilted

    I did think of this, but I didn't find it too fitting because it's not REALLY a tractor. Just a lawn mower. Also seemed a bit odd that the guys were singing it about the girl. I'm thinking the song should come from the girl.

    I'm thinking non-traditional for the bridesmaids, also. Probably upbeat, mainly because I like the feeling of a fun wedding.

    *runs to look at You Tube video*

    Hmmm. I like that song because we're front porch sitters. I don't know about walking down the aisle.

    I don't have a lot of favorite artists - I listen to just about anything. There's a bunch that my fiance won't listen to though. Off the top of my head, it would be Rascal Flatts, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill... Oh man, I know there's more. So, none of them.
  5. RangerJoe

    RangerJoe Slightly Tilted

    Okay, so I'm thinking Jason Aldean "She's Country" and Dixie Chicks "Cowboy Take Me Away."

    If I do Jason Aldean, I think my nephew will make an adorable scene:

  6. Well it certainly sounds like you are not the typical girly girl which is cool. I would type some songs that you like in on Pandora and see which other ones it spits out. You might find just the perfect one :)
  7. RangerJoe

    RangerJoe Slightly Tilted

    I AM a girly girl, just not a sappy one. And, my fiance likes to think that he's a cowboy.
  8. Shagg

    Shagg Vertical

    Los Angeles
    Oddly enough my wedding just took place next to a barn and we used the barn for the reception. I'd say use 3 songs. bridesmaid/family; tractor song, walk down the aisle song. If you have easy access to the location, walk out and time all sections and edit the music to fit the timing. I'd use more of a shit-kicker song for the driving segment and transition to a slower song as the processional soon as the engine shuts off.
  9. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
  10. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    Hi Ranger Joe.

    Semi OT ... I'm singing at a wedding tomorrow morning.

    Congratulations:) and I don't know what song, but here's how I see a workable structure:

    Keep the 'bits' seperate, or the ladies and you will both 'pull attention' at the same time, the congregation would get confused and you'd both lose your impact.

    So, the ladies and flower-girls, To their OWN song, do their entire walk - they'll thank you cuz they'll see people fully get to appreciate their spectacle which, I bet, included making/choosing lots of great dresses and preparation.

    They've now done their procession, and are turned, facing the same way, waiting. Your Entrance is all that is needed ... Their music stops. There is a pause.

    That clears the pallette for Everyone's eyes to be ready to flicker round with OMG!! when your song comes on ... then wham ... all eyes fix on You as you appear on the lawnmower. Everybody will be ready to react in one direction ... and they will. Oh yes. And with vigour.

    You get to the aisle and with music still playing, get off the lawnmower and Smile round the congregation. You'll have whipped them up and they'll need to get rid of a bit of that energy. Let 'em do that. Then let music fade and let your smile fade, or your attention focus 'inward' to your stepdad and son.

    ... the congregation need to get quiet ... to wait for what'll happen next.

    THEN you, your stepdad and son go up the aisle to Different Music ... of a kind which 'feels' kind of similar and compatible with the initial Ladies' music.

    You'll get double impact ... because you'll have kept it 'dressage', then 'yee haw', then back to 'dressage'. The contrasts will be more stark, and, people's attention and energy having been unambiguously directed, will be more memorable-for-life.

    The only thing which, imo would top that, would be if you can splice the beginning to a traditional wedding march onto your chosen lawn-mower song. That would set the opposite expectation, as they expect 'demure', then Lawnmower Song and You burst forth!

    ... think through all this a few times with your mind's eyes, ears and body. I sure had a great time running through this from what you wrote, but how well does it fit how you want it?
  11. lionrock

    lionrock Getting Tilted

    Out here
    No help here. We left the building to the Star Wars theme.
    • Lovely Lovely x 1
  12. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    Bumpety Bump.

    Hi Ranger Jo.

    Well that wedding I sang at. I sure with they'd found a forum on which to discuss their choice of music. I and the rest of the choir were cinging as we sang some of the most dirge-like stuff imaginable. More suitable for a requiem. Anyway ... enough of me.

    Any progress on your front?
    Ah ... and after the wedding, is there any 'drama' to be organized ... like the bit where you and the groom leave the party and 'go off' on the honeymoon?
  13. RangerJoe

    RangerJoe Slightly Tilted

    Not much progress. I've been working a lot on getting my son registered in school, trying to make sure we have everything, and trying to get the damn DWD people to get their heads out of their asses.

    As far as I know, there's no honeymoon planned right now. We just can't afford it with me not having any income.
    --- merged: Aug 10, 2011 5:07 PM ---
    Not much progress. I've been working a lot on getting my son registered in school, trying to make sure we have everything, and trying to get the damn DWD people to get their heads out of their asses.

    As far as I know, there's no honeymoon planned right now. We just can't afford it with me not having any income.