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How much bullshit do you really believe?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Lish, Aug 29, 2012.

  1. Bin Laden's killer reveals the truth | News.com.au

    As the story of Osama's death slowly becomes to unravel, the amount of bullshit spun at the time of his death continues to embarass the Obama Administration.

    We all knew that the Obama administration was taking advantage of the situation. We all knew that Osama's body wasnt treated or buried in the proper islamic burial as they would have us believe. We all had an inkling that Osama wasnt armed at the time.

    What the administration was doing was nothing short of pure propaganda. Nothing unlike something to come out of North Korea or Iraq under Saddam. The good people of the Obamaland had taken out the worst man on the planet. This good guy/bad guy bullshit really irks me like no tomorrow. Im sure if we asked Osama's wives or his closest buddies they'd tell you he's a swell humble bloke. Ask someone in the US and he's the worst of the worst.

    So with Obama's credibility dwindling by the day, i ask the intelligent people of TFP, how much bullshit have you fallen for? This not need to be about Osama/Obama, but moreso about what sort of propaganda you've fallen for ( or not fallen for)
  2. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    We've always been at war with Eastasia, Dlish.

    Osama was a largely defunct Max Headroom of The Base.

    Saddam had a country. Hell, I've got his death on video on my ExHDD.

    The good guy/bad guy shit irks me, too. Tell me, ever watch any of Osama's videos?

    Also, how do you feel about the demonization of the Germans and Japanese during WW2?

    All those crazy bucktoothed Tojo cartoons sure were funny. And the Germans? Woo-wee! Hilarious.

    I get what you're saying in this thread but I'm surprised that you're surprised. I mean, who wouldn't want credit?
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2012
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  3. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    I believe that news anchors don't wear pants. They have on a shirt, tie and jacket but underneath the table, boxers and socks drawn all the way up to their knees and dress shoes.

    Now, I have a hard time believing that they shot Bin Laden like repeatedly mafia style while he was twitching on the floor to ensure his deadus status. Maybe they did, with what happenned at the Empire starte building, I don't doubt it. But he was unarmed and obviously no danger to them so I think the navy person is just trying to sell a book.

    But you should know, I am biased, I fucking hated Osama and wished a slow and painful death upon him.
  4. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed


    Dude. Where have you been living all these years? Every country creates it's own propaganda to sell to their people. It was the same in WWII, whether it was Hitler selling the ze Germans or Roosevelt selling to the U.S. - the point is propaganda and good guy/bad guy scenarios always get set up. It isn't even always presidents or royals who do this. In WWII, Patton took credit for breaking the German stranglehold on Bastogne when in reality he didn't do shit.

    What was Obama supposed to do exactly? He thanked the people who carried out the mission and his p.r. people took over from there. Let's go ahead and throw in another Godwin here. If a US soldier had walked in on an unarmed Hitler then proceeded to pump him full of lead then unceremoniously tossed his body off a cliff would there be the same outrage if Roosevelt claimed the body was buried respectfully? I highly doubt it.

    This seal has written a book that goes against what the White House has put out, but he's also needlessly put himself in danger since his name and face is known. I think you'll find most people don't really care that it's in conflict with white house statements unless of course you live in your neck of the woods. Good guy/Bad guy... they change rapidly and the shoe is placed on the other foot depending on location

    So you ask me how much bullshit I believe...my answer is I don't pay attention to the spins. Quite frankly, I don't give a shit how Osama was buried or killed. When you set up a terrorist organization dedicated to murder, well, you don't exactly get to choose how you die or how you get buried.

    Propaganda is part of daily political life, it's up to the individual to choose what to believe or how to feel about it. I personally don't give a shit about most of it.
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  5. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I try not to believe any bullshit, and don't assume I know anything about any of this crap that comes out of the news media, especially with political spin. I don't even necessarily 'know' that either Saddam or Osama are really dead. I think so, but what the hell do I really know?
  6. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll


    I'm still in favor of skull poles outside the White House.
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  7. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Glory's Sun

    While much still rings true regarding propaganda between 1930s/1940s and today, much is different due to the advent of big corporate news, and the Internet with its real-time news reporting and the democratization of mass information.

    Also, while both Hitler and Bin Laden were fascists, only one of them was a Muslim, and Nazism isn't a religion, so the burial issue isn't a good comparison.
  8. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    One of the first questions I ask myself when reading something is: "What are they trying to sell me?"

    This can be something physical; it can be something intangible like a perspective. What are they trying to gain from me? In terms of a politician, they're trying to gain my vote. As for the article you linked, this guy has his own ideas about how things went down. He has his own motivations for writing this book. You seriously want me to believe that he doesn't have his own agenda in an election year? Puhleeeze.

    This is 2004's Swift Boat nonsense all over again.
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  9. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll


    But the whole "Uh, why do we care about respecting the religion of an evil terrorist we just murdered with our own death squad?" thing still stands...
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  10. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Because it wasn't about Bin Laden, it was about Islam.

    Maybe Lish can enlighten us about the burial rites in Islam, but my guess is that it's more about Muslims' considerations for abiding by the will of Allah than it is about how they treat the body of some dirtbag terrorist.

    You (and others apparently) are thinking about it backwards.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2012
  11. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed


    However, while the burial thing isn't a good comparison, the point is that propaganda is still alive and well. Are the Muslims who supported Bin Laden more upset that he may not have been buried correctly or that the U.S. performed a secret mission killing a figure head of Al Qaeda? Is it so hard to believe that a lot of people wouldn't really care how Osama met his death considering what he stood for and helped propagate? Let's reverse the roles. If an extremist were to take out Bush 2 or Obama, they would be held in high regard in their country while they would become villainized here. So the religion gap may still exist, but the good guy/bad guy stuff still holds as does the propaganda. So yes, I'll grant you the point on the religion issue, but don't find me actually caring that it wasn't correct Islamic practice. I think you void the right to those practices when you attack sovereign countries and propagate a terror organization.

    I think the administration did what they needed to do in order to minimize backlash. My wife however, she was all for plastering the images of his dead body on every available sign post/light pole window in America.

    This seal who is writing the book goes on to claim that they didn't like Obama. I find that interesting because I'm skeptical that they would have liked Bush any better considering what he put into motion.
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  12. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll


    Dunno, Lish mentions Osama half a dozen times in the OP.

    Seems open to me. Perhaps some clarification would help.

    This thread is about propaganda. We're using his example.
  13. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    I'm sorry, wut?

    WE'RE thinking about it backwards? We've got some religious ____ who care more about burying someone "the right way" and WE'RE the ones thinking about backwards?
  14. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    No, no... I've got it. This thread is a contest!

    Let's lay out our proof:

    - Got married without a prenup in the US
    - Served in the US military w/ combat deployments
    - Graduated from private university in the US
    - Think my woman is fine when she says "I'm fine."
    - I've never ever used drugs because they're evil
    - Believe my money man is making me money
    - Let door to door salesmen finish their spiele
    - Have bought products I saw on TeeVee
    - Really enjoy watching MacGyver / A-Team
    - Enjoying 50 Shades of Grey way too much


    I've pretty much out-bullshitted everyone here.

    Last edited: Aug 29, 2012
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  15. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Did you just call all Muslims religious [censored]?

    I'm not sure what you're saying. What I'm saying is that it doesn't matter who it is. I'm assuming that in Islam, a dead Muslim belongs to Allah. It doesn't matter what said Muslim did or didn't do. There are rites to be followed to deliver the dead to their maker. The question is whether the Americans failed to do this. Don't make this about Bin Laden more than it has to be.

    So, yeah, you seem to have it backwards. It's not about respecting Bin Laden; it's about respecting Islam.

    Though I'll admit I'm not sure what the general consensus is regarding this issue among Muslims. My very basic understanding of Islam is that there is a process of judgement and salvation to which everyone is held accountable. I'm assuming the rites are a part of this. So in Islam, Bin Laden was meant for this process. You know, because there would otherwise be some "loose ends," if you know what I mean. In other words, as far as Allah is concerned: Bin Laden's got some 'splainin' to do.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2012
  16. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    I wonder how many people that died in the Sept. 11th attacks were able to be buried according to their faiths.

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  17. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    None. I've had the ability to recognize bullshit and propaganda since Nixon was president. No wait, since Johnson and maybe even Kennedy (long time ago). Anyway, only fools confuse propaganda with anything resembling reality. For all I know Osama was caught and tortured before being shot in the head and returned to the US as the main course at a White House dinner. My thought as soon as I heard the "made for sheep consumption" play by play of the event on CNN.

    I will say, the Bush Administration propaganda was the least challenging for those of us who know it's a lie but like to play the game for a while.

    I would have preferred if your question was uncluttered by the need to bash Pres. Obama in the process, as if somehow insinuating that he gave birth to bullshitting the public.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2012
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  18. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    Oh for fucks sake.
  19. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Did I miss something? Maybe start again.

    The guy is dead. What's wrong with abiding by a religion's burial rites? Help me understand you.
  20. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Still flogging that (probably) dead horse that is Osama bin Laden: Um, shouldn't his fan club be pissed that he's dead (because we flew in and murdered him using white ninjas) just as much we supposedly fucked up his burial rites? Assuming you even buy the whole '80s action plot story (and I know we're picking scabs here), it just seems a little off to me that the purported outrage is about the latter and not so much the former.

    I'm going to rape and murder your wife... and you're going to be pissed that I didn't cover her up with a sheet when I was finished? I'm confused.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2012
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